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SQL Search - Helps you to search text in SQL database FREE

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After long time this post is to introduce SQL Search tool with you. I have been using this tool since long but when I come to know that many of the developers are still not aware of this awesome tool then I decided to share the information about the same here at my blog.

SQL Search is a free add-in for SQL Server Management Studio which enables you to quickly search text across your all SQL databases. It makes our life easy while writing SQL procedures, finding column name across all tables of all databases and many more. E.g. you want to rename one of your table columns but aren't sure what stored procedures referencing it then you can use SQL Search and you will get all the list of procedures.

The best example can be suppose you want to search "select *" in all your queries throughout all your databases and want to replace them with a correct list of columns to improve performance and prevent future bugs, then this can be very easy job with SQL Search.

Below are some more features of SQL Search

  • Find fragments of SQL in tables, views, stored procedures, functions, views, jobs, and more
  • Quickly navigate to objects wherever they happen to be on a server
  • Search across multiple object types and multiple databases
  • Find all references to an object
  • Search with booleans and wildcards
  • Search in specific or all databases.

You can download SQL Search from below link.


Hope you have benefited from this simple post. Let me know your opinion about this tool in comment section below and do not forget to share this post with your friends. Thanks.

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