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How to save all opened pages or tabs in Chrome, Mozilla & IE

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Hello friend, in this post I am going to share a simple but very useful tip to save all opened tabs of browser for future reference.

You do lots of browsing on daily basis and while doing so most of the time you bookmark the URL if you find it useful or interesting. But some time you keep open several links in tabs while searching something on the Google and when you need to shutdown the pc you are not sure which links are useful for future reference and which are not and that time you quickly close or bookmark the links opened on tabs one by one. Isn’t it?

It is ok to bookmark it but it is much better to save all opened tabs in single folder with name of that day e.g. R&D_11_8_2014 or any other indicative and easy to find name and later you can delete that folder. It is inbuilt facility provided in almost all browsers but not aware by most of the users so I thought best to share it here with all of you.

Let’s check how to save all opened tabs as bookmark in single folder or with a single name.

Internet Explorer 11 (supported in IE 9+ too)

In Internet Explorer 11, there is star icon at the right corner of the browser which you can see at below image. If there are multiple tabs are opened “Add current tabs to favorites” option gets enabled under Add to Favorite dropdown by which you save all opened tabs under single folder or name.

Save All opened tabs in Internet Explorer 11

Mozilla Firefox

In Mozilla Firefox there is icon provided at the right corner of the browser in which there is option named “Bookmark all tabs” by which you can save all opened tabs. Check out below image for reference.

Save all opened tabs in Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

In Google chrome too there is a option to bookmark all opened pages under Bookmarks with a name “Bookmark Open Pages…” which you can see at below image.

Save all opened tabs in Google Chrome

So have you found this simple tip useful? Let me know in comment section below.

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