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How to control android smartphone from web browser using AirDroid free

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This post covers information about how to control or manage your android smartphone over the internet using any web browser and i.e. too without connecting USB or Wifi.

Recently I had downloaded an app called AirDroid after seeing it in most appraised app on Appreciate (Check out this post to know how to find best android apps and games using appreciate). And after using it for almost a month I am finding it very useful as its allowing me to control my android device  from the web using any browser.

It comes with lots of features such as just by scanning a QR code on site you can connect to your device and then can start controlling it. By control I mean you can transfer files to on device can download a file from device, can take screenshot or can take picture from device’s app etc.

Below is the list of some additional features.

  • No USB or any Driver required to use AirDroid.
  • Same Wi-Fi network or internet can be used.
  • You can send and receive individual or group messages directly from the browser.
  • Import and export .apk files
  • Provides File manager to manage all files of device.
  • Move photos, videos, ringtones and any other files on and off Android, all without a USB cable.
  • Search for installed apps and to discover the new ones at speed. 
  • View and edit contacts
  • View the real time screen of Android devices, take static screenshots.
  • You can push URL to Android and open automatically open it with Android browser.
  • You can share clipboard content between Android and computer.
  • Locate and lock your Android when it’s lost with an option to clean all data remotely.

You can check the apps listing at Google Play here to know more about it. You can also visit their website here.

For file sharing it uses your device’s internet connection so if it’s slow then it really difficult to manage and use the power of this app. But still very useful app and deserve a regular use.

Check out the below video which will introduce you to this nice app.

Try this app and let me know your experience in comment section below.

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